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Move With Me Books
From the author of the first ever kids' yoga app that was highly recommended by the US surgeon as a healthy app choice in 2011, Rachel brings new breath to story-time.
Our neurodivergent team is committed to promoting literacy and creating a multi-sensory experience that is inclusive to all learners.

“this sounds like a no brainer, this could enhance author visits and spark sensory memories!”
Leia M. Johnson
"I am so thankful for you! This is literally her favorite activity and refuses to miss a week I'm so glad that my sensitive kiddo has chosen this as her "thing"!"
Mother of a 5 year old
"I wish I had this when I was younger, it might have helped me grasp more interest in reading! Dyslexia is challenging and avoiding books beyond what's required in school has always been something I didn't conside..."
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